Thursday, July 16, 2009

And now for my baby...

I have finally gotten some good news about this baby. At my appt. on Tuesday the baby's head was so low that the doctor couldn't get to my cervix, but she could tell that is was thinning out a lot. It hurt so much as soon as she went in though, that I started crying, which is apparently what I needed to do all along because she felt so bad that she talked to me about inducing early. She thinks, as long as my cervix seems ready, which she believes it will be, that I can get induced at 39 weeks if I don't go in sooner on my own (which is also a possibilty.) My appointment next week is with someone else but she thinks he will consent as long as everything seems good, so that means I could get induced as soon as next weekend, but it probably won't be till after the weekend. I am just so relieved to know that I definitely won't be late, life is just so pathetic right now. I had to miss the midnight showing of Harry Potter and everything. In conclusion, yay!


Danielle said...

well i am glad that you got some good news. you will have to keep us updated. i know you have a lot of people to help you but if you need anything just give me a call.

Clarissa said...

Man...what a relief for you. Have you guys chosen a name yet? Sorry that you had to miss Harry Potter!!!

BJ Barnes said...

Keep us posted! I'll be praying for you to have a good delivery!:) I'm sure Harry Potter will be in the theaters for awhile, but if you miss it, due to the baby, I'll buy it when it's released for sale and make sure you get to see it then! :)