Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July (Parts 1 & 2)

In true Abrahamson fashion, we couldn't celebrate a holiday fully on the actual day we are supposed to. Our Fourth of July was broken into two. The food and smores roasting was done on the 2nd and the swimming and fireworks were done on the 4th. So, we'll start with the part 1. Jesse wasn't going to be here on the fourth so Nate and Erica came out on the 2nd to do a bar-b-q and hang out.
Madison and Peyton getting ready for chow time, notice the glasses, she looks like a little scholar.

Erica was super excited because we had corn on the cob and did smores, all things she's been wanting. After we scarfed down our food, rather quickly, we went over to enjoy some pool time.

Madison didn't love the big pool so she just played by herself.

Peyton and Jesse had fun in the big one, Jesse was trying to teach P to dunk his head under. I just watched the excitement from the side like a beached whale!

Once dried off, the boys played some b-ball while the kids just played.

Jesse should like this picture of him dunking because we can't see the funny face I am sure he is making.

Madison is actually sort of pushing P here. She can hold on to stuff and walk, she just hasn't mastered doing it by herself.

Funny story, Peyton is holding a sand dollar. He has recently started picking them up and trying to take a bite out of them while saying "cookie" like cookie monster has so graciously taught him.

Then it was time for a fire and smores and no, there wasn't any singing of campfire songs this time. I also enjoyed the mallows, but we have decided it is harder to do now that there are curious children about.

On the actual 4th, we had Melia and Isabell here, but not Jesse. The evening started out casually, with some playing in the pool and drive way.

Peyton and Isabell enjoyed the sprinkler and Izzy looked so cute in her little swim suit! Madison arrived after the sprinkler, but had a good time just playing in the pool. Melia trying to make the power wheels go with her on it, she didn't make much progress.

Here is a good comparison of Erica and I. She is now past her due date with no new progress and I am at 36 weeks. I don't feel like I am showing as much yet as I did last time which seems weird. Let's hope for a small baby!

Next came the fireworks portion of the evening. We never buy a lot and this year was no exception. At first we didn't think we would be able to do fireworks because P got really freaked out by the ground flowers. He didn't take too much of an interest in the pop-its, but us girls always like to do them. Here he is watching us do the pop-its, it is a very good look for him.

Sparklers were interesting, both Peyton and Madison were wary of them, but then liked them and wanted to touch them. Peyton actually thought it was a sprinkler, not a sparkler. He kept trying to run through it and lick it.

Later, he was still spooked by the noises, especially at first, but that gave us some good cuddle time, and I never get that. After a bit, he got into it and started clapping and high-fiving when things exploded.
The spectators enjoying the show, notice Peyton huddled against me, my little wuss.

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Looks like you guys had a fun fourth!! I can't believe how big Erica is!! I have to say T it is so cute to see Peyton being a wuss and cuddling with you:)