Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Potty training, sort of

Because we are super ambitious parents and are known to be real go getters we decided to get Peyton a toilet. OK that's not really the reason, we just thought it would be fun to try and make him go pee pee in the potty! We have no grand allusions of getting him potty trained any timed soon, but at least this way we figured he wouldn't be afraid of the dang thing. So far we have tried the "sitting him on it in the living room while watching Sesame Street method", and it has seemed to work OK. The first time we tried it, he did go pee. Since the toilet doesn't do anything special (make music, spout candy, actually throw a parade) we tried to make a big deal, but he just wanted to play in it, yellow water that's cool! Honestly, I am kind of afraid for him to poop in it because the prospect of cleaning it does not excite me. I'll have to suck it up and do it some day though. I took some pictures of him on the potty for the first time but I did not take any pictures of his successful deposit, sorry. Luckily the boy pee guard has graciously censored him so I don't have to.

1 comment:

Susie Q said...

I hope your potty training goes better than mine. I gave up when he was putting snacks in the toilet.