Thursday, March 12, 2009


As Heidi and I were watching America's Next Top Model the other day, they had a girl on there who was 25. Now that is pretty old for the show, not to mention she bugs me, and I was thinking "How in the heck is someone that old on here?" I then took a moment to reflect and realized I would be turning 24 in a little over a week. My family knows I have been stressing this birthday a little bit and it hit me even harder how old I am getting. I know to most of you 24 is younger than you are and it seems ridiculous, but I just don't feel that old, or that mature. That might be the problem, I don't act like a 24 yr old. Most are either hanging out, slightly more carefree than I, or they have families and act like adults. I still get so shy around adults I usually can't talk, I hate calling people, and I never challenge someone older than me. So I am a shy kid stuck in an almost mother of two's body! Hmmm, this has just been really getting to me lately and I don't know how to handle it. Maybe I should go to Chuck E Cheese's for my birthday so I can get intimidated by some 12 yr old and feel really pathetic! At least I would feel like I was among my peers (although they seem to be more annoying than I am!) Why?!?


Alesha said...

24 isn't that old T. I will be turning 23 this summer and now that is scary:)

Heidi said...

Just realized today that I'm WAY behind on watching Next Top Model!! I guess you've probably watched them all without me, but are you up for hanging out Tuesday? Just let me know!