Monday, January 25, 2010

That's not candy!

How many times do you tell your kids that. I have recently struggled with the concept that cough drops aren't candy even though you unwrap them. Usually I try to keep him away from these non-candies, but last night when he thought a beef bouillon cube was candy and preceded to throw a fit when I didn't give him one, I decided to let him know I was telling the truth. He became super eager as I grabbed one solitary cube from the container and unwrapped it carefully to ensure I caught all the crumblies. It then passed from my hand to his and then straight into his mouth. About 3 chomps and 2 seconds later he got the face. You know, the one where it seems your child's face is shrinking and then suddenly the tongue comes out, along with whatever was in his mouth. Yep, that is exactly what he did, followed by minutes of him making the "gross taste in my mouth" noise. Too bad there are no photos, it was all very spur of the moment. Hopefully, this will teach him a lesson. If I tell you it's not candy, I mean it!


Heidi said...

I used to eat bouillon cubes when I was younger, but just little nibbles off the corners. The entire thing would be a bit much for sure! Nasty Peyton!

Molly Abe said...

HAHA! Mean mama. :) That was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Wowzah...that was a classic blog. Definately top three!