Peyton is now 27 mos old and still very much in his own world. I wish he would join our world more often because then maybe he would listen to me better. There are some days when Brady comes very close to being an only child, but I always restrain! Like I said, he has been acting out more which makes him harder to deal with, especially with Brady always on me. In other Peyton news, he is currently doing his favorite activity, dancing around with his hats singing "Preschool Musical" from Sesame Street. It is that song 24/7, and he only knows the chorus so it gets a bit repetitive for everyone else, but somehow still cute. Since he still prefers not to talk all the time, he has begun moving us to what he wants. He pushes and pulls, then moves our fingers to what he wants. It is interesting, but i still wish he would just talk. I guess he has started saying more stuff on his own, he loves to say "Buh-bye, I lud you, kiss" to everything we leave (sharks, people, the playground.) Let's see, oh he has also learned how to play on the computer all by himself, well Sesame Street. He can open the Internet, find the page, and then move the star to what he wants to play or watch. It's a little scary that he is so good at it already, but also handy at times.
And then poor Brady. Well, actually he has been doing better. The new antibiotic, plus some gripe water seem to be helping, but he still has trouble chilling on his own and calming down to sleep without being wrapped up like a burrito. It is still hard to look at him and not see Peyton. Even Peyton looks at baby pictures of himself and says Brady. At this point he doesn't seem to have too much of a personality, there is the occasional smile, but nothing that he is totally controlling. All of his hair is still intact, as I imagine it will continue to be. Now that he is out of the newborn stage (he doesn't really curl up on my chest ans sleep anymore, sad) I am looking forward to when he can sit and play on his own, but I don't really want him to move. We'll see if we can work that out.
There have been many tears shed by all three of us, but slowly, very slowly, I am beginning to handle this all better and adjust to a fussy baby and an, um, adventurous toddler. I desperately want to enjoy this, especially Brady's first months, so I am trying to adjust my attitude about getting stuff done. It's just that keeping them both alive and fed doesn't feel like enough of an accomplishment, so I spend all day trying to put Brady down so I can do other chores around the house and I feel like that is jipping me of time with both of them. I will have to work on it, so if you come over and the house isn't clean, well know that I want it to be, but I am spending some time with my boys!
Tressa, Brady and Peyton are so cute together!!! How is Peyton acting up?
Oh, you know Peyton, getting into things he isn't supposed, touching the remote, not eating, throwing toys, etc.
I suspect every good mother goes through this dilemma of how to clean house and not neglect her little ones! I further suspect, that good mothers end up choosing baby over cleaning every time, because while the house can wait, the baby can not! :)
There are stages in our lives, and the time will come when the tables will turn, and your little ones will become independant enough that you'll be making them wait while you finish some house chore you've nearly completed, knowing their need, at that point, will be to learn patience! :)
For now, their needs are greater than your need to have a clean house! If I were to visit and see a "mess", what I'd really be seeing is proof of a very good mother! :)
Tend to what you can, and don't sweat the rest! :) You're right to remember to enjoy the moments, as no stage of life last long! :)
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